Energy Efficiency

Energy management involves controlling and optimising the use of energy resources to reduce consumption and costs while minimising environmental impacts.
Energy management helps reduce energy bills, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and improve sustainability. It also enhances operational efficiency and competitiveness for businesses.

An energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of energy use in a building or facility. It identifies energy inefficiencies and recommends improvements.

An energy audit can uncover cost-saving opportunities, enhance equipment performance, reduce downtime, and improve the overall energy efficiency of a business.
Energy management systems are software or hardware tools that help monitor, control, and optimise energy use in buildings and industrial processes.
Energy conservation involves reducing overall energy consumption, while energy efficiency focuses on using less energy to achieve the same or better results.
Businesses can start by setting energy reduction goals, conducting energy audits, training staffs, and investing in energy-efficient technologies.
There are a number of incentives, tax credits, and grants to encourage energy management and conservation efforts, especially for renewable energy projects.
You can organise awareness campaigns, offer energy-saving workshops and training through EnCO to support behavioural change, and advocate for energy-efficient policies and initiatives.

Data Analytics

Analyse your energy data, identify the major energy consuming equipment (ECU’s), undertake an energy audit of your facility, find and reduce inefficiencies.
You can use energy monitoring devices, smart meters, and energy management softwares to track and analyse your energy consumption patterns.
By providing insights into energy usage patterns and inefficiencies, Data Analytics can highlight areas for improvement, optimise energy usage, and reduce operational costs.
Energy Data Analytics services can help ensure compliance with energy regulations by providing detailed reports and insights into your energy usage and efficiency.
Depending on your current setup, you may need to install IoT sensors or other data collection devices. Your energy consultants will guide you through the necessary processes and should provide any required equipment.
The implementation time varies based on the complexity of your system, but it typically ranges from a few weeks to a few months.
Energy Consumption Forecasting is the process of predicting future energy usage based on historical data, current trends, and other relevant factors. This helps in planning and optimising energy resources effectively.
Forecasting can help your business reduce costs, improve energy efficiency, and ensure a reliable energy supply. It also aids in budgeting, planning for future energy needs, and identifying potential savings opportunities.
A variety of data sources are used including historical energy consumption, weather patterns, production schedules, occupancy rates, and other relevant operational data to create accurate forecasts.

Carbon Consultancy

The payback period depends on the specific project, but many energy efficiency investments yield positive returns within a few years through energy savings.
Industrial energy management involves optimising processes, investing in efficient equipment, conducting regular maintenance, and training staff on energy-saving practices.
There are online calculators and tools available to estimate your carbon footprint. Reducing it through energy management involves reducing energy consumption, transitioning to clean energy sources, and implementing carbon offset strategies. It is also a good idea to engage with energy management professionals who can guide you through the process.
Smart Net Zero’ refers to achieving a balance between the energy a building or organisation consumes and the energy it generates, using smart technologies and systems to optimise energy efficiency and minimise carbon emissions.
Achieving Smart Net Zero can significantly reduce your energy costs, enhance sustainability, improve corporate reputation, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. It also positions your business as a leader in sustainability.
Smart Net Zero solutions utilise various technologies, including renewable energy systems (such as solar and wind), energy storage systems, smart meters, IoT devices, and advanced energy management software.
The timeline to achieve Smart Net Zero varies depending on the size and complexity of your operations, current energy usage, and the technologies being implemented. It can range from several months to a few years.
To get started, contact us through our website, email, or phone. Our team will assess your current energy usage, discuss your sustainability goals, and develop a tailored plan to help you achieve Net Zero.

ISO 50001 is an international standard for energy management systems (EnMS). It provides a framework for organisations to manage and improve their energy performance, efficiency, and consumption.

mplementing ISO 50001 can help your business reduce energy costs, improve operational efficiency, meet regulatory requirements, and enhance your reputation for sustainability. It also supports continuous improvement in energy management.
Key requirements include establishing an energy policy, setting energy objectives and targets, conducting energy reviews, implementing energy management plans, and continuously monitoring and improving energy performance.
To get started, contact us through our website, email, or phone. Our team will help you understand the requirements, assess your current energy management system, and guide you through the process of implementing ISO 50001 and achieving certification.
Carbon Reporting involves measuring, tracking, and reporting an organisation’s carbon emissions. It provides a detailed account of greenhouse gas emissions from various sources within the organisation.
Carbon Reporting is crucial for understanding your environmental impact, meeting regulatory requirements, enhancing transparency, and demonstrating your commitment to sustainability. It can also help identify opportunities for reducing emissions and improving efficiency.
Key components include calculating emissions from direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2 and Scope 3) sources, setting reduction targets, implementing emission reduction strategies, and publicly reporting the results.
Carbon Reporting is typically conducted annually, aligning with most regulatory and voluntary reporting frameworks. Regular reporting helps track progress over time and ensures continuous improvement in emission reduction efforts.

SECR, or Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting, is a UK government framework that requires large companies to report their energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency actions. It aims to improve transparency and encourage businesses to reduce their environmental impact.

SECR applies to large UK companies defined by meeting at least two of the following criteria: more than 250 employees, an annual turnover greater than £36 million, or an annual balance sheet total over £18 million. It also applies to large LLPs and quoted companies.
SECR reports must include details on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency measures taken during the reporting period, and the methodologies used for calculations. This information is typically included in the company’s annual financial reports.
ESOS, or the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, is a mandatory energy assessment scheme in the UK. It requires large organisations to conduct energy audits and identify energy-saving opportunities at least once every four years.
ESOS applies to large UK undertakings that meet specific criteria, including having more than 250 employees, an annual turnover exceeding £44 million, or a balance sheet total over £38 million. It also applies to some overseas companies with a UK presence.
“ESOS compliance involves conducting a comprehensive energy audit across all significant areas of energy consumption within the organisation, identifying cost-effective energy-saving opportunities, and reporting compliance to the Environment Agency (or equivalent in devolved administrations). “


SEMaaS, or Smart Energy Management as a Service, is a comprehensive approach to managing energy consumption and sustainability initiatives through outsourced services and integrated technology solutions.

SEMaaS typically includes energy audits, energy monitoring and analysis, implementation of energy efficiency measures, renewable energy integration, sustainability reporting, and ongoing support and maintenance
SEMaaS is suitable for organisations of various sizes and industries seeking to optimise energy use, reduce carbon emissions, comply with regulations, and achieve sustainability goals without the need for significant internal resources.