We guarantee energy savings along with ESOS Compliance.

ESOS compliance requires organisations to conduct a detailed examination of their energy consumption along with site representative audits, which provides them with a better understanding of energy consumption in their operations. Our in-house lead assessors have supported many clients through ESOS Phases 1, 2, and 3 with significant identified savings. Our energy expertise allows clients to maximise the benefits and savings of ESOS, contributing to a sustainable future while enhancing their bottom line.

Turning ESOS compliance into a significant opportunity for energy savings.
ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria. The scheme requires the recording and reporting of energy data for buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. Furthermore, energy surveys are required, which must be accompanied by cost-effective recommendations to reduce energy demand and improve energy efficiency. All evidence must be signed off by an accredited ESOS Lead Assessor. You must participate in ESOS if your company qualifies as a large undertaking in the UK, which means you must meet one or both of the following conditions:
  • Employs 250 or more people
  • An annual turnover in excess of £44 million, and an annual balance sheet total in excess of £38 million.
ESOS Phase 3 compliance deadline: 5th June 2024

The Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, formerly known as BEIS, deferred the Phase 3 deadline to June 5, 2024, which replaces the previous deadline of December 5, 2023. This extension is in response to recent changes requiring businesses to provide additional data to ensure compliance with ESOS regulations. We hope that this update is helpful and enables businesses to comply with the regulations effectively. Organisations that fail to comply with the requirements set out by ESOS could be liable to compliance and enforcement activities and substantial financial penalties, an initial penalty of up to £5,000, plus £500 for each working day the organisation is in violation.

Our in-house ESOS Lead Assessors have assisted numerous businesses across several sectors to comply with their obligations for Phase 2. We will work alongside you through the entire process, advising you on the best route to compliance, helping you gather corporate, data and site information, conduct site surveys, identify your significant energy consumption, compile evidence and the directors the report required for compliance, and summarising all opportunities with future actions.

Latest update from the British government

An ESOS Action Plan must be produced (to be completed by the 5th of December 2024), including….

  • What to do to reduce energy consumption and timeline
  • Whether it was recommended through the ESOS assessment
  • What energy savings are expected to be achieved over the four-year period covered by the action plan

Following submission of the action plan, participants must submit an annual progress update against action plan commitments in the two subsequent years.

  • The deadline for submitting annual progress updates is 12 months after the action plan deadline and then 12 months after the submission deadline for the first progress update.
  • The deadlines for the third compliance period are 5 December 2025 and 5 December 2026.
  • Each progress update relates to the 12-month period preceding the deadline.
Use accredited ISO50001 certification as a route to ESOS compliance.

If your organisation meets the ISO 50001 standards, then you are not required to conduct an ESOS assessment or appoint an ESOS lead assessor to review any of your paperwork. You simply need to inform the Environment Agency that you are compliant.

Take the advantage of ISO50001 to empower your energy system.

ISO 50001 is a powerful tool that empowers organisations to optimise their energy performance. By doing so, they can unlock new levels of efficiency, reduce costs, and make the most of their energy sources. From small businesses to global enterprises, ISO 50001 is making a real impact.

  • Consistent approach to energy management across all properties
  • Better understanding of energy use and energy management
  • Includes all levels of business (e.g. different departments, leadership, sites)
  • Improved energy performance/efficiency
  • Energy, carbon and cost reductions
  • Reducing environmental impact
  • Enhancing reputation
  • Continual improvement
Important Update: What You Need to Know about ESOS Phase 3

Important Update: What You Need to Know about ESOS Phase 3

Time is ticking for the ESOS Phase 3 deadline. The Environment Agency announced that the reporting system is available now. For organisations qualifying for ESOS Phase 3, the deadline for submitting a compliance notification is 5 June 2024, and organisations should still look to meet this compliance notification deadline where possible....
ESOS is being strengthened

ESOS is being strengthened

On 28th July 2022, the UK Government published their response to last year’s consultation, detailing their intentions to strengthening the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). Following the current landscape of...
ESOS Phase 3 Deadline Extended to 5th June 2024

ESOS Phase 3 Deadline Extended to 5th June 2024

ESOS Phase 3 Deadline Extended to 5th June 2024 We would like to inform you that The Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, formerly known as BEIS, will be...

If you have any questions, our esos lead assessors are happy to help!


Midcounties Co-Operative – Solar Panel Installation Assessment

Midcounties Co-Operative – Solar Panel Installation Assessment

5M kWh across 1 year
Renewable Energy Projects, Carbon Consultancy, Energy Efficiency
This project aimed to understand how solar PV installation will benefit the client long term. We have identified the yield and efficiency of solar PV and what the cost of repurposing a number of solar PV panels that were in storage specifically for Co-op. This developed into a compatibility study for solar panel installation across 44 sites.
Date Palm Developments – Complete Building Solutions

Date Palm Developments – Complete Building Solutions

BEMS, Design & Commissioning
Date Palm Developments (DPD) approached ETS to design, install, and commission a new Building Management System (BMS) for their proposed "Ottons Lab." Given the complex nature of the facility, which specialises in plant cloning, highly detailed designs relating to HVAC controls and operational security were necessary to maintain optimal conditions for both plant growth and occupant comfort in the office areas.
BNP Paribas – Simulated Power Failure

BNP Paribas – Simulated Power Failure

Planned Preventative Maintenance, Project Management
The power test was successful with back-up power supplies, fire alarms, emergency lighting, pedestrian access systems all operating as expected during power failure. All equipment operated correctly and efficiently when power was reinstated.

The benefits of smart energy management

Reduced energy costs

Spend less on energy and reduce running costs thanks to increased operational efficiency – plus protect your business from energy price volatility.

Reduced carbon footprint

The UK has set a target to decarbonise all sectors of the economy and reach Net Zero by 2050. It’s crucial that all businesses play their part and SEMaaS is the first step to help achieve those sustainability goals.

Improved performance

Our services include performance audits, smart net zero strategies, BeMS control technologies and much more, all proven to maximise your building’s performance.

Optimised for less energy waste

Improved operational efficiency means less energy waste (and money savings too).

Increased return on investment

Energy & Technical Services has a proven track record of significant ROI for our clients. One Irish non-food retail client had a £33k contract and £130k energy savings achieved – that’s a 400% return on investment.

Ensure compliance

Qualifying organisations must carry out an ESOS assessment every four years. SEMaaS reduces your energy consumption to ensure your business stays compliant and energy efficient.