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Aldi UK & Ireland - Supporting ISO 50001 accreditation and achieving savings in energy usage.

A retail company achieved ISO 50001 certification, passing both first and second stage audits without any non-conformities. ETS proved instrumental in implementing ISO 50001 and maintaining compliance with the standard.

Client brief

Aldi is Britain’s fourth largest supermarket with more than 1,020 stores and over 45,000 colleagues. Aldi UK & Ireland has been working towards ISO 50001 certification to improve energy efficiency and comply with ESOS regulations, along with the support of Energy & Technical Services. Acknowledging the importance of sustainable practices and energy management, Aldi sought to streamline its energy-related processes, reduce environmental impact, and optimise operational costs. The goal of obtaining ISO 50001 certification was to implement a robust Energy Management System (EnMS), demonstrate a dedication to sustainable business practices and ensure compliance with ESOS regulations.

ETS’s Scope included:

  1. Review the Aldi Energy Management System (processes, documents, internal audits and key records) against the ISO 50001 standard and advise of any non-conformities or opportunities for improvement.
  2. Support with initial ISO 50001 certification audit, external, re-certification audit preparation and on the day audit.
  3. Carry out energy gap analysis and prepare documentation for energy plan (energy review, energy baselines, EnPIs), relevant variables.
  4. Create / update an internal audit framework covering all key departments to check and ensure EnMS compliance, review documentation, work towards continual improvement of the EnMS and prepare for the external audits.
  5. Review legal and other requirements, prepare a legal requirement register and check compliance.
  6. Guide the team in the review, actions and responses to non-conformances and opportunities for improvement and accreditation.

ETS’s Solution & Strategy

  • Acting as the National Energy Management Consultants for Aldi UK & Ireland, we have initiated and undertaken a number of energy-saving projects and successfully implemented ISO 50001 energy management system.
  • ETS’s ISO 50001 team planned the process of establishing and implementing the EnMS system by creating an internal tracker. This guided Aldi with all the documentation review and timelines of internal audits needed to support EnMS. Regular monitoring of this tracker helped Aldi to liaise with other stakeholders, facilitate training and awareness, and improve their internal processes to ensure EnMS objectives are met.
  • Our Energy Managers supported with carrying out internal audits on a regular basis that helped in reviewing progress against company goals, measuring and assessing the implementation of EnMS, and making continual improvements accordingly and ensuring all evidence is ready for an external audit.
  • Our ISO 50001 consultants also performed a comprehensive energy review. This involved collecting consumption data from all the energy sources over the previous 12 months and conducting analysis to pinpoint where energy savings can be achieved. This review was also useful in identifying the largest contributors to the total energy consumption and potential areas of improvement.
  • ETS supported with setting targets and baselines and establishing Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs) that are one of the critical tools required for pinpointing areas where energy savings can be achieved.
  • Regular meetings with Aldi’s National Sustainability team facilitated continuous idea sharing, fostering systematic and continuous improvement.


The achievement of ISO 50001 certification marked the beginning of a new era in energy management excellence for Aldi. The certification emphasised Aldi’s dedication to sustainability and energy efficiency. It brought about tangible benefits and organisational transformation. ETS identified areas of improvement that led to developing energy saving initiatives across the business, driving continual improvement and operational efficiency. By implementing EnMS, Aldi achieved significant cost savings through energy-saving initiatives and reaching Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) targets.

initiated and undertaken a number of energy-saving projects and successfully implemented ISO 50001 energy management system.

setting targets and baselines and establishing Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs).

“Working with ETS to receive ISO 50001 certification and improve our energy management has been valuable for Aldi. We’ve been able to make changes across the business as part of our continuous work to be a more sustainable retailer.”
Liz Fox, National Sustainability Director, Aldi UK and Ireland


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