- Action plan must be completed before the end of 2024
- MESOS Reporting System is live now
- How do you comply with ESOS along with SECR reporting
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Important Update: What You Need to Know about ESOS Phase 3

[Overview of this blog]
● Action plan must be completed before the end of 2024.
● MESOS Reporting System is live.
● How do you comply with ESOS along with SECR reporting?
The ESOS Phase 3 deadline is coming, and the action plan is the next!
To defeat climate change further, the British government has tightened their compliance policy with the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). After submitting ESOS phase 3, qualified organisations must complete an ESOS action plan by 5 December 2024. Moreover, they will complete 2 annual progress updates in the 2 years following the action plan deadline, leading to achieving those identified opportunities from the ESOS audit. It drives large businesses to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.
This change will force large organisations to take ESOS compliance more seriously. In the meantime, it can be a game changer for them. Take our client, The Fulham Shore, as an example. We have identified a total of 29,610,620kWh opportunities through various carbon-saving approaches, resulting in 31,783,515 Kg of emissions being saved. With the implementation of energy strategies found in ESOS compliance, our client will be more confident in their sustainable commitments.
The UK government will announce more details for the action plan shortly. Subscribe to the ETS newsletter to get the latest important information.
MESOS Reporting System is live now.
Time is ticking for the ESOS Phase 3 deadline. The Environment Agency announced that the reporting system is available now. For organisations qualifying for ESOS Phase 3, the deadline for submitting a compliance notification is 5 June 2024, and organisations should still look to meet this compliance notification deadline where possible. If you haven’t started the preparation of ESOS, you must appoint a lead assessor as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may face unpleasant penalties.
To look up how to register on the new ESOS Reporting System: here
To appoint a qualified ESOS lead assessor: Contact Us
Work on SECR while complying with ESOS.
SECR reporting has been mandatory yearly for large UK organisations since 2019. Over 11,900 organisations in the UK must comply with SECR by declaring their energy usage and carbon emissions in their annual financial report. With the effort on ESOS compliance, the SECR can be a more straightforward job this year!
Are you aware of the difference between ESOS and SECR? The SECR metric relates to greenhouse gas emissions, while the ESOS energy intensity metric relates to energy consumption and requires mode information through site audits, including overall energy intensity ratio and transport. The SECR reporting compares emissions data with an appropriate business metric or financial indicator, such as square meters of floor space or sales revenue.
We have supported large retailers for many years on their SECR reporting. It indicates energy consumption with a clear SECR reporting template, which our team developed.
To avoid the penalties, check it out now if you are qualified: here
Call our experienced SECR consultants for further guidance: +44 (0)117 205 0546
Immediate actions recommended:
Looking to enhance energy efficiency and reduce your environmental footprint? Here are some tailored suggestions:
1. Ensure your qualification for ESOS Phase 3
2. Appoint a lead assessor and reserve a site survey/ audit
3. Collaborate with our lead assessor on ESOS reporting and action plan
4. Remember to register on MESOS Reporting System
Let us take your worry away. If you would like more instructions on ESOS or SECR, please get in touch with our team for a brief meeting: Contact Us