Carbon Consultancy

Corporate Responsibility Reporting – What are the options?



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Corporate Responsibility Reporting – What are the options?

What Is Corporate Responsibility Reporting?

Corporate Responsibility Reporting (CRR) enables your organisation to issue detailed information to key stakeholders regarding the impact that your business operations are having across all areas of the ‘sustainability’ agenda, and provides the means to show how your firm is contributing to a sustainable global economy.

CRR primarily focuses on 4 key pillars; Economic, Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance – in order to set organisational goals and inform strategy across these areas to ensure your company manages its impacts effectively and holistically.

Depending on the type of organisation you represent, the requirements of your report may differ.

Some companies will simply require reporting to meet mandatory requirements, such as SECR, ESOS and other legislative triggers; whereas others will be looking to voluntarily disclose their performance in a more holistic manner, providing a more balanced overview of performance against the key pillars across the business.

What are the Benefits of Corporate Responsibility Reporting?

We know that sustainability and social responsibility are two of the biggest issues that businesses currently face, and the demand from both customers and shareholders for organisations to be proactive in these areas is growing fast.

Whilst the idea that an organisation could be opening itself up to scrutiny by publishing CRR is a common concern, the benefits that CRR can provide to both short-term and long-term goals, alongside improvements to public and internal perceptions of the business, can be extremely valuable.

Because of this, transparency with this reporting is key and can give a competitive edge for any organisation looking to align with increased market interest in sustainability performance across all sectors. The more companies can be seen to be engaging with, and acting upon issues around sustainability, the more opportunity there is to reflect on these findings and positively message the values of the business to both internal staff and stakeholders, and the wider market.

Additionally, as investment decisions are increasingly factoring-in the performance of a business around the key pillars of sustainability, authentic action accompanied by well-produced and focussed CRR can have a hugely positive effect on the ability of an organisation to attract third-party capital.

Taking these factors in to account, CRR can ultimately help improve your organisation’s ability to increase trust from both the public and shareholders, provide transparency, and improve the attractiveness of the business to potential investors.

Our Corporate Responsibility Reporting Offering

At ETS, we understand the benefits of CRR and the need for reporting to be robust, authentic, transparent and easily understandable by shareholders and customers alike.

Our offering ensures that we provide accurate, actionable data collated by our expert analytics team so that your organisation gets the exact information you need in a format that suits your business and industry.

Annual reporting support is also available to ensure we monitor the changes you make, and the success it brings, but to also identify potential opportunities to ensure that your company is always looking to improve and capitalise on savings for the future.

How Can ETS Help Your Business?

If your business has CRR requirements or if you’d like to find out more about our reporting options, please get in touch with our expert team by calling 0117 205 0545 or email

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

The Reality of Energy Management for Building Occupants

The Reality of Energy Management for Building Occupants

It is obvious to say that the condition of a building, and the behaviour of its occupants, plays a significant role in the ability of its facilities or energy manager to reduce energy waste.

However, property tenure and the range of stakeholders involved in any decision-making process at a particular property can often have an equal impact. Whilst the tenant can control their activities and behaviours in rented premises, the building services (i.e. the major energy consuming pieces of kit) are often under the landlord’s control.

It is widely recognised that energy management is highly challenging within the rental market – conflicting interests and split incentives are often identified as being the principal barriers to driving forward energy and carbon reduction projects.

As such, nuanced and tailored measures are necessary if the UK is to address these challenges and improve energy management within the rental market. The following discusses these issues in more detail and what options are currently available for building occupants to improve energy efficiency.

Energy Management: Leased vs Owner Occupied

According to BEIS, approximately 58% of non-domestic building stock is owner occupied in the UK – although in certain sectors (offices, hospitality, retail and storage sites), it is much more common for occupiers to lease properties than own them.

Given the typical barriers of split incentives (where the landlord pays for energy efficiency improvements, but only the tenant feels the benefit of reduced bills), it is unsurprising that these sectors contributed to the highest proportion of total non-domestic energy consumption during 2018 (BEIS, 2018) – whilst there will be many other factors at play, the difficulty of implementing energy efficiency projects in properties within these sectors will play a significant part.

Furthermore, owner occupied premises reported having a significantly higher proportion of consumption that was managed by a specialist energy manager compared with rented premises. This would suggest that, logically, organisations that own the buildings they occupy are more likely to invest in energy management, as they will be the ones that see the direct benefit of lower bills.

Building Performance Optimisation within the Rental Market

It is also well known that buildings can often see performance gaps with energy and operational efficiency against how they were projected to perform at design stage. The most common causes of poor performance are:

  1. Plant life and degradation
  2. Over complexity and maintainability
  3. Lack of controls and automation
  4. Changes and use of a building
  5. Lack of occupant knowledge of how to manage the building

Whilst for large CAPEX projects to improve efficiency, the issues of split incentives remain pretty intractable, there are a number of pieces of low-hanging fruit that can be targeted first at minimal spend – and these can often have a very significant impact on consumption and associated bills:

  • Check the control settings of the BMS – it’s very common for the landlord to install the heating and ventilation system and allow the tenant to install their own AC. This often results in an AC and heating systems running in conflict, both operating at the same time – wasting huge amounts of energy.
  • Check the time schedules of the BMS – make sure your BMS is making necessary adjustments to your lighting and HVAC outside of operating hours
  • Avoid using expensive electric heaters as far as possible and turn down the thermostat – reducing heating temperatures by just 1oC can cut fuel consumption by 8%.
  • Run regular maintenance checks on equipment – maintenance will help prevent breakdowns and ensure plant equipment remains operationally efficient
  • Complete an annual energy audit – site surveys provide an opportunity to assess the current controls automation, building energy performance and identify opportunity for savings.

Collaborative Approaches

The conflict between landlords and tenants stemming from split incentives has been one of the top barriers to realising energy savings in buildings.  However, in certain circumstances, and with a positive and collaborative approach from all sides, one of the options to address this issue is to implement the principles of green leases into standard tenancy agreements.

Whilst this approach has gained some traction with the big institution investors over recent years, it still remains best rather than common practice. That being said, guidance from a number of leading investors and NGOs is freely available in the public realm, for example through the Better Building Partnership – and with the sustainability agenda gaining ever increasing traction across property markets, leasing advisors are becoming more attuned to the positive relationships between landlord and tenant that can be fostered under a green lease or similar memorandum of understanding. This can have wider benefits, beyond energy efficiency and carbon reduction.

We believe stakeholder engagement is key to resolving the split incentive barrier. It is only when landlords, occupiers and managing agents aim for collaborative participation in sustainability programmes that the adoption of efficiency improvements can be implemented at scale across leased properties.

Many of the mechanisms our consultants use to creating a collaborative environment, focused on improving energy efficiency, is centred around addressing organisational energy culture. Understanding the attitudes and beliefs individuals have around improving energy efficiency helps define common goals that are then shared between all the stakeholders – enabling the traditional barriers to energy efficiency to be overcome.

More answers

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

Scarce ‘low hanging fruit’ left for energy efficiency: Innovation will be key for 2050



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Scarce ‘low hanging fruit’ left for energy efficiency: Innovation will be key for 2050

According to the Climate Change Committee, the UK is expected to miss its fourth and fifth carbon budgets by 139 and 245 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) respectively. This is particularly concerning now that the UK Government has increased its target from 80% GHG reduction to ‘net-zero’ emissions by 2050.

According to BEIS, current policy has not taken into account this predicted shortfall and, as a result, the surplus will make it more difficult and expensive for the UK to meet its long-term targets.

In many businesses, most of the easy opportunities to reduce energy waste have already been taken – and the understandable requirements for ‘short-term’ paybacks has led to many profitable longer-term energy efficiency schemes being bypassed for ‘low risk’ opportunities such as LED lighting upgrades.

As we move towards achieving a zero-carbon economy, the challenges for many businesses will be finding energy saving opportunities which deliver a solid ROI without substantial risk.

There are a lot of technologies available on the market which are still in a relatively early stage of evolution, and as such many of the options available are either costly to implement or have other significant barriers to mobilisation. One can only hope that as these technologies mature, their routes to implementation become easier for organisations to accept.

It is reasonable to speculate that as carbon management gathers an increased focus for more businesses, attitudes to implementing technological solutions will continue to improve and become less risk-averse. Nevertheless, early adopters will still face many challenges in determining the practicality, maintainability and accuracy of predicted payback periods when building business cases for deployment.

We would urge those organisations to ensure they include both independent engineering expertise within their assessments of new technologies, and employ IPMVP standards when undertaking measurement and verification (M&V) of efficiency project performance, to ensure project success.

At this stage, it is difficult to predict the exact mix of technological and behavioural change interventions that will be required to achieve net-zero by 2050. However, what is clear is that innovation will be at the heart of accelerating the UK’s progress towards a zero-carbon economy. Hopefully the UK Government will acknowledge this and support industry, through legislative and financial instruments, to facilitate the growth of the innovative technological developments so desperately needed to achieve our laudable yet challenging national targets.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy Energy Efficiency

The True Cost of Going Zero Carbon by 2050



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The True Cost of Going Zero Carbon by 2050

What is the climate emergency declaration?

The United Nations say we could have just 11 years left to limit a climate change catastrophe.  The UK is the first country in the world to declare a “climate emergency” – one of the key demands put to the government by environmental activist group, Extinction Rebellion, and the recent declaration will accelerate efforts for the UK to become carbon-neutral by 2050.

This will see increasing pressure on commercial enterprises to support the transition to a low carbon economy and the government’s ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 will have a significant impact on businesses, particularly within the built environment.

How will the UK achieve zero carbon by 2050?

The UK is already legally committed to an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 (relative to 1990 emission levels) and in 2017, successfully lowered emissions to 43% below 1990 levels.  However, according to the Committee on Climate Change, the UK is unlikely to meet its targets for 2023 – 2027.  So, just how realistic or achievable is the new ‘net-zero’ target?

The transition to a zero-carbon economy will require a concerted effort and action by all sections of society.   It requires the right policies and government funding to support businesses to achieve this new target, whilst maintaining a balance with all the other pressures being faced across industry.

According to the UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC) it will cost 1 to 2 percent of GDP each year (approximately £50 billion per year) to achieve net-zero by 2050.  However, other sources speculate that this cost could be considerably higher when considering the impact on different sectors of the economy.

Whilst the CCC believe it is technically feasible to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, it will clearly be challenging.  The UK has already set carbon budgets and developed policies on the path to an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.  However more needs to be done to accelerate the progress already made by the UK as illustrated below.

The decarbonisation of the UK will require significant investment and have important implications on decisions over infrastructure, innovation and the role of societal change. The CCC illustrates the transition implied in their ‘Future Ambitions’ scenario to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050.

How will this affect businesses in the UK?

At this early stage it is difficult to predict the effect this will have on UK businesses, but one can fairly confidently assume rising costs of energy and an increasingly onerous legislative landscape.  The UK Government already has policies in place to help achieve the current target of 80% GHG but the pressure on all sectors of business and industry will only get stronger.

We would hope that in aid of this recent development, the UK Government will support businesses through this transition.  Increasing the availability of grants to fund energy efficiency schemes and educating owners / investors on suitable technologies available to them, would be welcomed although the lessons will have to be learned from less-than-successful previous legislative interventions, in particular those targeting the built environment.

More Answers

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

The Common Barriers to Achieving a Successful EnMS



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The Common Barriers to Achieving a Successful EnMS

Before embarking on the journey to introducing an effective energy management system, it is worth considering the common barriers that may affect its implementation.  The approach adopted by an organisation to address energy efficiency is very important however, it is still the workforce, at all levels, that will influence its success. The following are the most common barriers organisations face:

Organisational Commitment

A fundamental aspect of an organisations EnMS effectiveness is the overall commitment of the workforce.  To ensure senior management appreciate the impact of energy management, its importance must be instilled within the organisational culture.  Energy is often treated as a problem that can be fixed and forgotten, while core business issues require constant attention.  The Energy Institute, Hearts and Minds series ‘Understanding your energy culture’ tool will help identify the behaviours and attitudes towards energy management.  In the process of defining the company’s current energy culture, positive improvements can be made so that energy management takes a central role within the day to day operations of the organisation.

Insufficient Resources

Introducing an EnMS within an organisation requires a commitment of resource.  In most organisations, recourses are reserved for core functions of the business resulting in energy management being treated as a lower priority.  Not only are there limited funds available to finance energy projects but the resources to manage them do not exist.  Energy efficiency can often be improved through nil and low-cost solutions.  Depending on the project adopted, the pay-back period can often deliver more than just a return on investment but also provide continual savings long after project completion.

Lack of Energy Data

This is a common barrier for many organisations.  Typically, there is no one person responsible for the management of energy data and ensuring its accuracy.  Data on usage, utilities rates, energy consumption patterns and variables affecting significant energy use must be available and analysed correctly to guide organisational decisions.  This can pose an even bigger problem when submitting records for relevant energy compliance regulations such as ESOS or SECR.  Our Energy Data Analysts are experienced in the collation and validation of energy data.  Click here to learn more about our TEC service.

Results not sustained

Energy management is quiet often a reactive response to a crisis.  Either an upcoming compliance deadline or rising energy costs are the catalyst to driving energy efficiency within an organisation.  After the perceived crisis has then passed, efforts devoted to energy management are directed elsewhere within the business. Sustaining energy management, and its results, requires a continual focus on improvement which is instilled within the working practices of the organisation.  The management structure is critical to the maintaining the momentum of the EnMS.  Regular management reviews will provide a platform for feedback to evaluate the results of the EnMS.   Problem areas that are identified during this process can then be corrected by revising procedures or improving employee training.

Correcting Symptoms Instead of Problems

A reactive approach to energy management and restrictive resources leads to a reliance on easy quick fix solutions.  This can result in many organisations only correcting the symptoms instead of identifying the problem.  Concentrating on the route causes of energy inefficiency will provide focus and ensure resources are not wasted on temporary fixes. This can only be achieved through collating accurate energy data to track the results of energy management efforts.

If you would like to learn more about setting up an Energy Management System, download our ‘Energy Management: Getting Started’ guide.  Alternatively, speak to one of our Senior Consultants on 0117 379 0850 or email

More Answers

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy ESOS

ESOS UK Summary of Updates



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ESOS UK Summary of Updates

The Environment Agency has published their No.3 ESOS Newsletter. Having continued with their programme, 176 audits have been completed from the date of publication (03/12/2018). Their ESOS UK report included key findings of the audits to date:

  • 21% were compliant
  • 55% were compliant with remedial actions
  • 13% were non-compliant
  • 11% did not qualify under the scheme

Some of the areas where non-compliance were identified:

  • ESOS audits did not meet the minimum criteria stated in the regulations / guidance
  • ESOS Lead Assessor or board sign off missing
  • Sampling approach not representative of significant energy use
  • Moved premises between qualification and completion dates so organisations thought that there was no need for energy audits
  • ‘Process’ energy consumption had been omitted (e.g. manufacturing process / plant and equipment or refrigeration use for chilled or frozen foods)
  • Transport use had been omitted when it formed part of the significant energy use of the organisation (i.e. Transport was greater than the 10% de minimis ruling)

Some areas where remedial actions had been identified:

  • Organisational structure
  • Sampling approach
  • Calculations to support estimates
  • Reference period and data records
  • Audit analysis
  • No Director and / or ESOS Lead Assessor sign-off

From the findings, it is clear that interpretation, scope, evidence / records and misunderstanding has led to some audit failures. It is important that you understand and fully appreciate your obligations for phase 2 under ESOS and to engage with a competent ESOS Lead Assessor and consultant to support organisations in becoming fully compliant.  Ensure that you remain ahead of the game and assess your organisations preparation and readiness for ESOS Phase 2.

What can you do now?

Carry out ESOS energy audits for the supplies you intend to include in your Significant Energy Consumption.  12 consecutive months of energy data must be provided that includes the qualification date (which falls on 31st December 2018) but not the compliance date.   Figure 1 shows the energy data restrictions.

Figure 1: – Energy Data Restrictions for ESOS Phase 2

It is worth noting that relying on invoices could be a mistake as your audits may require more granular data. Different energy streams can be audited at different times so the workload can be spread to suit your business needs.

If you would like to learn more about ESOS Phase 2 and how to ensure compliance, please watch our free webinar, delivered by our Associate Director, Tilly Shaw.  Alternatively, please call us on 0117 379 0850 or email and speak to one of our ESOS Lead Assessors.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

Start with your energy culture first! – Why so many energy saving initiatives do not deliver the predicted results



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Start with your energy culture first! – Why so many energy saving initiatives do not deliver the predicted results

Phil Warren

Managing Director

I have over twenty-five years of experience leading the delivery of a wide range of energy efficiency programmes and strategies.  Whilst many organisations already have well-established Energy Management Systems (EnMS) or are proactively engaged in improving energy efficiency through new technologies or behavioural change measures, huge savings are often missed when energy culture does not align with an organisations’ sustainability objectives.

The full potential of energy saving initiatives can only be realised if the workforce is fully engaged and knowledgeable of how their actions and behaviours can impact overall efficiency.  Therefore, outstanding performance and continual improvement can only be achieved when there is a significant cultural swing in an organisation, so that energy saving initiatives are fully embraced by everyone.

Every sector and industry has their own challenges in managing energy consumption, but no matter what project or scheme we work on, our approach remains the same.  Our first step is identification and assessment of the current energy culture of an organisation; this involves reviewing the current energy policy and company sustainability objectives before delving into the detail of energy performance improvements.  In doing this, we gain clarity of what is realistically achievable for the client within the given timescales and budgets.

Many organisations often benefit from initially introducing new policies and procedures that outline to the workforce, best working practices that contribute to reducing energy consumption.  Focusing on low-cost solutions to begin with, enables the client to achieve savings that can then be re-invested into other project or schemes.  This leads me onto my second point – review your energy data!

Transparent measurement and verification procedures are central to ensuring that an energy saving initiative, not only successfully delivers the savings projected, but also sets the foundation for continual improvement. Therefore, we implement IPMVP techniques and employ Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals (CMVP) to review and analyse energy data; this ensures that savings predicted or achieved are transparent and accurate for the client.

It’s fair to say that there have been many entrants to the energy management market over the years, with many products and consultants over stating the return on investment (ROI) to the client which has soured the market.  Similarly, Energy Saving Companies (ESCO) or Energy Service Contracts can hold enormous promises but there are also real risks if it’s not done properly.  To ensure an energy saving initiative delivers the intended results, you must:

In the years of my energy management career and the technologies I have trialled, embraced, deployed and rejected, I firmly believe that we are now in one of the most exciting phases to date.  Disruptive technologies have given rise to new and innovative ways to manage energy consumption.  We can now retrieve energy data from buildings in real-time, enabling us to be descriptive, predictive and prescriptive.  Whilst all this energy data is easily accessible now, the trick is knowing how to interpret the ‘useful information’ and having the experience and engineering knowledge to know what outcomes are possible.  Our Technical Energy Centre (TEC) team discusses this in more detail here.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

ISO 50001: 2018 – Are you ready?



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ISO 50001: 2018 – Are you ready?

Five years after its publication, the International Organisation for Standardisation has reviewed their ISO 50001 standard and last August 2018 published its new 2018 edition to conform to the Annex SL and its High Level Structure.

Organisations that currently comply with ISO 50001: 2011 need to be aware of the new qualification criteria.  Our ISO 50001 Lead Auditor, Gerard Bailey, talks through some of the changes you need to consider.

Key Changes to ISO 50001

  • High Level Structure (HLS) – providing better compatibility with other ISO management systems
  • Leadership – Stronger emphasis on the responsibility of leadership
  • Risk and Opportunity – business-oriented approach that requires broader risks and opportunities to be identified

High Level Structure (HLS)

One of the most significant changes to ISO 50001 is the introduction of the High Level Structure, Annex SL, which is shared by all new and revised ISO standards.  This is to ensure that all ISO management standards have the same look and feel to enable greater integration between systems of different disciplines.  There are ten core clauses within the HLS, these are as follows:

  1. Clause 1 – Scope
  2. Clause 2 – Normative References
  3. Clause 3 – Terms and Definitions
  4. Clause 4 – Context of the Organisation
  5. Clause 5 – Leadership
  6. Clause 6 – Planning
  7. Clause 7 – Support
  8. Clause 8 – Operation
  9. Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation
  10. Clause 10 – Improvement


The 2018 edition places a greater focus on top management to actively engage and demonstrate leadership with respect to the energy management system (EnMS); further details are provided in Chapter 5.1.

Risk and Opportunity

Organisations are now required to identify any risks or opportunities that may impact the ability of the EnMS to deliver its intended results.  During the planning process of an EnMS, organisations can anticipate potential scenarios and consequences so that undesired effects can be addressed before they occur. Similarly, scenarios that could offer a beneficial outcome can be identified and pursued.  This process can be regarded as complementary to 6.3 “Energy review”, which is a more detailed operational review to control and improve energy performance.

Preparing for ISO 50001:2018

It is important that you don’t delay the transition to the new ISO 50001 standards.  We recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Appoint an ISO 50001 Lead Auditor Speak to an ISO 50001:2018 competent Lead Auditor.  They will be able to talk through the new requirements of ISO 50001 and complete a gap analysis.
  1. Communicate Changes Inform your leadership team about the new regulations and communicate the revisions to the wider organisation to gain buy-in.
  1. Plan Review your existing EnMS and review your EnPIs and baselines with the support of your ISO 50001 Lead Auditor.  Consider how you will introduce the new requirements and create an implementation plan.
  1. Implement Changes Following a review of your EnMS, an ISO 50001:2018 competent Lead Auditor can guide you through the stages in implementing the necessary changes to the new standards.

ISO 50001: 2018 – Key Takeaways

The new ISO 50001: 2018 was published in August 2018 with a three-year transition period.  Certified Accredited Bodies (CABs) will have eighteen months from the date of publication to complete the transition to the new standards.  This means organisations applying for recertification after February 2020 will need to conform to the new standards.  In addition, organisations carrying out their annual energy audit after February 2020 will need to include the new standards as part of their transition assessments.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy ESOS

ESOS Phase 2: Summary of Updates



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ESOS Phase 2: Summary of Updates 

The Environment Agency has recently published several updates in their ESOS newsletter for Phase 2 preparation.  Our Operations Director, Phil Bilyard provides a summary below:

Bullet points for ESOS Phase 2: Issue 1, August 2018

One of the most significant changes to ISO 50001 is the introduction of the High Level Structure, Annex SL, which is shared by all new and revised ISO standards.  This is to ensure that all ISO management standards have the same look and feel to enable greater integration between systems of different disciplines.  There are ten core clauses within the HLS, these are as follows:

  1. Clause 1 – Scope
  2. Clause 2 – Normative References
  3. Clause 3 – Terms and Definitions
  4. Clause 4 – Context of the Organisation
  5. Clause 5 – Leadership
  6. Clause 6 – Planning
  7. Clause 7 – Support
  8. Clause 8 – Operation
  9. Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation
  10. Clause 10 – Improvement

Bullet points for ESOS Phase 2: Issue 2, October 2018

Phase 1 Civil Penalties

Under the ESOS Phase 1, the fines that have been served to organisations for not complying with requirements have been published. Fines range from £1,560 to £45,000.


Current compliance listings under ESOS as of the 31st May 2018 have been published with 7,113 organisations or entities listed as compliant under ESOS.

Energy Audits and Reporting Including ESOS

The department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has commissioned external research on the effectiveness of energy audits. A telephone survey will be conducted for a small number of organisations from October to December 2018 to determine effectiveness.

Phase 2 Qualification and Compliance

The next registration of compliance date is the 5th December 2019. Energy audits can commence henceforth and at least one years’ worth of data can be used for energy measurement with the data coming from 6th December 2014 to 5th December 2019. Definitive qualification, total energy consumption and areas of significant energy use cannot be made until after the 31st December 2018.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at

Carbon Consultancy

ESOS Compliance Guidance: Are you ready for ESOS Phase 2?



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ESOS Compliance Guidance: Are you ready for ESOS Phase 2?

We are quickly approaching ESOS Phase 2 of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme. If you qualify for ESOS you must submit your notification of compliance by 5th December 2019.  Whilst this might seem a little early to be talking about the next round of ESOS assessments, companies need to start collecting 12 consecutive months of energy data that includes the qualification date (which falls on 31st December 2018) but not the compliance date.

Phase 1 saw close to 2,800 late submissions, resulting in a number of punitive measures.  In addition, only 16% of the total submissions received during Phase 1 were compliant with the ESOS requirements, with three-quarters requiring remedial action.

It is essential that you review your ESOS requirements to ensure you capture the correct information and energy data for your sites. This was one of the biggest audit failings for many organisations during ESOS Phase 1 due to lack of consideration to the organisation structure, its partner, parent and sister companies.


Data Collection

12 consecutive months of energy data must be provided that includes the qualification date (which falls on 31st December 2018) but not the compliance date.  Figure 1 shows the energy data restrictions.  It is worth noting that relying on invoices could be a mistake as your audits may require more granular data.

Figure 1 – Energy data restrictions

Our team of Energy Data Analysts can support your organisation with collating accurate energy data and ensuring all aspects of reporting are covered, subject to the organisations’ declaration.

Audit Restrictions

You are required to provide 12 consecutive months of energy data in order to complete your audit.  Your audit cannot be undertaken more than a year before the compliance deadline of 5th December 2019 nor extended beyond this date.

Many organisations that delayed starting the process during Phase 1, experienced difficulties in finding ESOS Lead Assessors and collating accurate energy data. This resulted in a number of late submissions.  We recommend planning early and speaking with one of our ESOS Lead Assessors now by calling 0117 379 0850 or emailing

Data Quality

The better your data, the more insight you will gain from your energy audits and the more reliable your energy savings recommendations.  The more recent the data included within your audit, the more relevant the audit will be to current working practices; this is why metering your portfolio and collating your energy data now will provide you with valuable information.

Next Steps

The qualification criteria and requirements of ESOS Phase 2 are complex and can be challenging for organisations to ensure compliance.  Speak to one of our ESOS Lead Assessors now on 0117 379 0850 or email


If you would like to learn more about ESOS Phase 2, sign up to our free webinar and speak with one of our ESOS Lead Assessors.  Alternatively, if you are not able to join our webinar, a recording can be viewed here.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an energy management system that is tailored to your business needs, ETS can provide you with 25 years of experience in dramatically improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. Whether your businesses have individual assets or large international portfolios, ETS can assist you in saving substantial amounts of money while significantly reducing your carbon performance.

To discuss your requirements, get in touch. You can contact us by calling 0117 205 0542 or drop us an email at


      Our Certifications

      Marija SlareEnergy & Carbon Saving Team | Team Leader

      Marija has been with ETS since the start of 2019 working as an Energy Manager. Her role includes energy data analysis, energy management, reporting, building control system management as well as working on various compliance projects such as ISO 50001 and ESOS. She also supports our Controls Bureau, providing remote assistance for our clients.

      Marija holds an MSc in Environmental Consultancy. As her Master’s thesis, Marija conducted in-depth research of energy policies and strategies in higher education institutions. Previously she has worked in various scientific research institutions, focusing on environmental and biological research projects.

      Mark TilbeeHead of Building Technologies

      Mark started his career in building services engineering with an electrical apprenticeship for an HVAC company – managing to achieve the 3rd highest ranking in the UK during that time.

      Over the last 15 years, Mark has worked across multiple M&E fields to a high level, including HVAC, refrigeration, large scale gas distribution systems, electrical design and building management system controls.

      During his previous role as Technical Director for a successful systems integrator, Mark focussed on building controls, including numerous different systems (Trend, Innotech, RDM and Priva etc). As part of this role, Mark focussed on system design, software engineering, integration, commissioning and project management of projects across numerous sectors across the UK including national utilities, multi-site retail, and higher education.

      Darren Sears

      Darren is a highly skilled controls engineer with extensive experience in the HVAC industry. With over 25 years of practical knowledge working in various commercial premises, offices, schools, and care homes, Darren brings a wealth of expertise in HVAC systems and controls.

      With a focus on controls engineering, Darren has dedicated his career to the maintenance and fault finding of BMS (Building Management Systems), control panels, and associated HVAC plant equipment. His day-to-day responsibilities have included conducting maintenance activities on BMS systems, troubleshooting issues, carrying out controller upgrades, and implementing energy-saving initiatives. Darren possesses a deep understanding of HVAC plant operations and their control mechanisms, allowing him to effectively optimise their performance and efficiency.

      Darren has involved in various projects throughout his career, including notable ones such as the Homebase and Argos projects. He led the Homebase 3-mode energy-saving works from start to completion, which involved conducting pre-works surveys, modifying and expanding BMS systems, and integrating HVAC systems. He also served as the lead engineer for the Homebase Last Man Out energy-saving works, optimizing energy consumption during out-of-hours periods. Additionally, he played a key role in the Argos BMS upgrades, retrofitting old control systems with Innotech solutions. Darren's experience and skills make him a valuable asset to any team in the HVAC industry.

      Jake ParkerJunior Controls Engineer

      Although his career in the Energy & BMS sector has only just begun Jake has hit the ground running, taking on commissioning and project management roles, such as becoming an Authorised Person and Permit Acceptor, on his first major site – an Energy From Waste Power Station. Here he was able to gain exposure to many aspects of the BMS industry, such as modifying panel wirings, MBus Metering and BACnet protocol.

      Jake is working hard to further increase his knowledge of controls systems he has worked with, and is rapidly expanding his experience and skill set as part of the ETS team..

      Pragathan GnanarajGraduate Energy Manager

      Pragathan joined ETS in 2022 as a Graduate Energy Manager. His role comprises of providing bespoke energy data analysis and reporting to ETS clients.

      He holds an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Surrey. During studies, he focused on the significance of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Action in Sri Lanka's agricultural sector through the lens of Nationally Determined Contributions. His research and coursework covered a range of relevant topics, including corporate social and environmental responsibility, ecological economics, environmental auditing and management, environmental law, and life cycle assessment.

      While studying his master’s degree, he worked as a Net-Zero Carbon intern at a reputable insurance management company in London, contributing significantly to a project aimed at reducing carbon emissions and achieving the company's net-zero carbon goal. Pragathan demonstrated their ability to interpret data and identified reduction initiatives that aligned with the company's Science-Based Target. Their efforts resulted in comprehensive reports and a presentation for the board of directors.

      Beth NuttallAssistant

      Beth is an accomplished and tenacious professional who has thrived in various roles throughout her career. With a strong work ethic and the ability to excel both independently and collaboratively, Beth possesses a versatile skill set that can be applied across diverse industries and scenarios.

      Currently, she is providing invaluable support to Energy & Technical Services' finance and administration teams, expertly managing paperwork and handling multiple responsibilities with ease, thanks to her extensive experience. Beth monitors multiple inboxes day to day, undertaking tasks from quality auditing reports, to booking travel and accommodation for colleagues. I also generate invoice proposals throughout the course of the month and process invoices from the accounts inbox. No two days are the same and there is always something to do and help out with.

      Beth was with extensive experience in the recruitment industry before. She was at Sanderson PLC as an Account Process Manager, demonstrating exceptional abilities in managing multiple accounts. Beth guarantees that client demands are met while strictly adhering to company protocols with precision. Her expertise also involves effectively managing day rate contractor processes, organizing candidate interviews, and delivering consistent account reports.

      Jason NealonSenior Controls Engineer

      Jason has over 10 years of experience in the BEMS industry and is self-motivated and hardworking. He has a strong desire to lead, learn, and progress. With expertise in all aspects of bespoke BEMS installation projects, Jason is well-equipped to contribute to project success. Jason's current role mainly involves installing, commissioning and writing software for various BEMS controls. I am proficient with RDM, Distech and Innotech controls, and quite adept working on Trend and Cylon controls.

      Before joining ETS in 2022, Jason was a Senior Divisional Manager at SEI Electrical Contractors Ltd. In this role, Jason managed the Security and BEMS Division, serving as the main point of contact for all security and BEMS clients/stakeholders. Jason excels in liaising with clients, surveying, quoting, and winning new works, as well as planning, managing, and delivering security and BEMS projects within agreed timelines and profit margins. He also collaborated closely with the company MD on company goals, future works planning, accreditations, financial reports, and recruitment.

      Furthermore, Jason possesses strong expertise in BEMS, being responsible for writing software and commissioning RDM controllers for their own BEMS projects and subcontracted works. Additionally, he can provide remote support and issue resolution when site visits are not required.

      Elena RogersStrategic Partnership Manager

      Elena is a Strategic Partnership Manager. She is passionate about sustainability and aims to build strong relationships with partners and clients. Elena also plans to expand ETS into new international markets.

      Over the past 20 years, she has excelled in securing and cultivating lucrative business deals across the EU, CIS, and Russia. She is a skilled Senior Sales Manager with extensive experience in the oil and gas downstream, and chemical industries. Her success can be attributed to her expertise in relationship management and her ability to analyse political and economic trends to drive sales growth and capitalize on opportunities.

      Elena's strategic mindset and ability to understand client needs have allowed her to build strong business relationships with clients at all levels. She is skilled in negotiation, communication, and relationship building, working effectively with colleagues, clients, and suppliers. Elena's cultural awareness and adaptability enable her to work in diverse environments and collaborate with individuals from various nationalities.

      She has demonstrated her project management expertise by managing projects from initiation to handover throughout her career. Elena is skilled in handling technical and financial documents. She is bilingual in English and Russian, and has conversational skills in Polish and German.

      Mori ChiangMarketing Exectutive

      Mori joined Energy & Technical Services in 2022 and is based in Edinburgh. She is responsible for company branding, marketing communications and digital channels. Mori studied for the MSc in International Strategic Marketing at the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School. As a confident and skilled marketer, she delivers a multi-channel marketing plan, increases brand awareness across our niche target audience, produces compelling content ideas, designs brand materials, manages marketing for partnerships and supports the sales team in perfect communication with new clients.

      Before joining Energy & Technical Services, Mori was a Public Relations Executive at Strathberry, a luxury handbag design brand from Scotland. She analysed e-commerce sales and website performances, coordinated weekly industry news, and prepared press releases for new launches and sales in English and Mandarin. She managed external third-party agencies for international markets, which gave her better negotiation and communication skills. Her D2C experience helps Energy & Technical Services engage more in digital marketing for broader energy insight sharing across various funnels.

      Matt ShakeshaftHead of Finance

      Matt joined ETS in 2018 as our Financial Management Accountant and is responsible for controlling and monitoring the financial and accounting processes across the business. He has over 30 years’ experience as a Financial Controller and Management Accountant and is extremely proficient in managing multi-million-pound accounts and budgets.

      Matt started his career working at Pannell Kerr Forster Chartered Accountants before becoming an Assistant Accountant for a construction company. He later went on to work for a number of large engineering firms including Secure Meters (UK) and Phoenix Surveying Equipment Ltd.

      Simon PocockSenior Consulting Engineer

      Simon has over 25 years experience working as an Engineer and is a Full member of the British Institute for Facilities Management. His expertise includes HVAC, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.

      After serving in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy, Simon pursued a career within M&E and Building Services taking on a number of roles including Account Manager, Senior Project Manager, Contracts Manager and Senior Consulting Engineer. He has extensive experience working on a range of energy saving initiatives and has acted as Account / Contracts Manager for a number of National Retailers and blue chip companies.

      Simon joined Energy & Technical Services in 2016 and is responsible for the delivery of a range of energy saving and technical engineering projects. He is also the principle lead and Project Manager for one of the UK’s largest DIY retailers.

      Neil PickardSenior Consulting Engineer (Design)

      Neil has over 30 years experience in HVAC and refrigeration engineering. He has a HNC in Building Services Engineering and is (CITB) SMSTS Certified. His expertise includes project management, M&E design, HVAC and refrigeration.

      Neil started his career with Etherington Air-conditioning installing and commissioning Air-conditioning (AC) units before progressing into the role of Senior Contracts Engineer, designing and managing various large scale HVAC projects. During his career Neil has worked with a number of blue-chip clients on a variety of projects ranging in value from small-scale refurbishments to multi-million-pound upgrade schemes.

      Neil joined ETS in 2017 and works as one of our Senior Consulting Engineers specialising in M&E design. Neil supports our Operations department and is responsible for supplying consultancy expertise and delivering a number of energy and engineering projects / contracts.

      Dan WarrenProject Engineer

      Dan has close to ten years’ experience working as an engineer and has a wide range of professional qualifications. His expertise includes compliance, M&E Consultancy and Project Management.

      Dan started his career working for the Royal Navy as an Avionic Technician. During this time he completed a number of industry-recognised qualifications including City and Guilds, NVQ 2 Aeronautical Engineering and a BTEC National Diploma in Engineering. After this he progressed to being responsible for building and upgrading civilian and military helicopters.

      Dan joined ETS in 2017 as one of our Project Engineers, supporting our Operations department to deliver a wide range of energy saving initiatives including sub-metering installs, LED lighting upgrades and building services assessments. As a PRINCE2 qualified Project Manager, Dan oversees the installation and commissioning for a number of multi-site, energy efficiency upgrade schemes.

      Matt Vossen-BarnesSenior Consulting Engineer

      Matt has been an invaluable asset to ETS for several years. As the key account manager for our top retail company contract, he has successfully implemented energy-saving programs and provided valuable assistance to our commercial team. With a BSc (Hons) degree in Climate Change and Energy Management, Matt possesses the knowledge and expertise necessary to manage projects and drive energy management initiatives effectively. His areas of expertise include project management, LED lighting, HVAC systems, BEMs, refrigeration, and building performance optimization. With prior experience as a Store Manager for major retailers, Matt has a comprehensive understanding of the highly competitive retail industry and the challenges involved in enhancing operational efficiency while minimizing capital expenditure.

      His exceptional skill set in the retail sector has led to his outstanding contributions to major programs. As the Project Coordinator, he has successfully overseen the completion of various energy initiatives across multiple sites. Matt takes charge of coordinating LED lighting upgrades, HVAC and refrigeration optimization, and BMS works, and acts as the primary contractor for project management once approved.

      Matt has also been actively engaged in trials and assessments to improve energy efficiency. He participated in a solar film trial, evaluating the effectiveness of window films in reducing heat loss and solar heat gain. Additionally, he conducted a destratification trial assessment to explore the potential of utilizing destratification fans within large retail stores to improve ambient temperature and reduce HVAC load. He also led trials related to BEMs (Building Energy Management Systems) and EC fan walls, assessing their impact on pressurization, temperature control, and energy efficiency.

      Aidan McClureData Science Manager

      Aidan joined ETS in 2020 as a Senior Data Analyst within our Technical Energy Centre. His role in the Data Team includes enriching our data warehouse, expanding and optimising our reporting suite, and developing new ETL processes, while identifying and implementing efficiencies within our existing data processes.

      Before joining ETS, Aidan was working as a Data Analyst for an award-winning CRM Agency where he delivered campaign results, insights, and recommendations to several industry-leading brands. He was also responsible for implementing data-driven strategic and tactical campaigns, internally and with client teams.

      Jon GladwinEnergy Data and IT Analyst

      After graduating from the University of Sheffield with a BA (Hons) in History, Jon started his career working as a Campaign Architect for a marketing consultancy firm, designing data management strategies, building automated reporting systems, and carrying out data mining. He quickly progressed into the role of Reporting Analyst for a global financial administration company, responsible for the financial performance monitoring and reporting within the UK operations department

      Jon joined ETS in 2017 as one of our Energy Data and IT Analysts supporting our Technical Energy Centre team. He is responsible for compiling reporting suites and creating opportunities for streamlining and efficiencies in reporting to our clients. He also supports our Controls Bureau, providing remote assistance for our clients.

      Tania SlaterProcess & Coordination Manager

      Tania started her career working for a civil engineering consulting company as an Office Administrator before progressing into the role of Office Coordinator and Technical Desk Supervisor for a budget retailer. Tania soon returned to the engineering sector, taking on the role of Project Coordinator for a mechanical, electrical and refrigeration consultancy company where she took an active role in project coordination and supervision for various energy reduction and equipment installation projects.

      Tania joined ETS during 2017 following a brief time working in procurement for a water cylinder manufacturing company. Tania has a CMI Level 3 in Project Management and has a wealth of experience in project coordination and delivery. Supporting our Operations department in the north, Tania acts as our Office Coordinator and Technical Administrator for our Wakefield office.

      Phil WarrenCEO & Founder

      Phil has over 25 years experience working as a building services engineer and is a Chartered Energy Manager, ISO 50001 Lead Auditor and ESOS Lead Assessor. His expertise includes Energy Management Systems (EnMS), ISO 50001, energy audits, Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC), M&E services contracting and condition surveying. Phil is also a Member of the Energy Institute (MEI) and acts as the Media Officer for the South West and South Wales (SWSW) branch.

      Phil started his career working for the Army as a Royal Engineer, specialising in refrigeration and steam boilers. After leaving the Army, Phil took on a number of roles including Projects Manager, Service Engineer, Installer, Commission Supervisor, Contract Energy Manager and Operations Manager.

      As the Managing Director, Phil is responsible for the development of the company, both in terms of securing new opportunities and continuing to expand the business. Drawing on his extensive experience, Phil continues to provide guidance to the ETS team through sharing industry knowledge, identifying new energy initiatives, as well as quality managing internal processes.

      Jana PrikrylovaHR / Business Support

      Jana joined ETS in 2018 as a Central Support Co-ordinator and Administrator, and since 2019, she has been dedicated to advancing her career in Human Resources as HR/Business Support. Offering direct support to the Board while actively cultivating and sustaining a positive organisational culture.

      Jana’s responsibilities encompass the development and implementation of talent initiatives, the recruitment process, managing employee benefits and welfare programs, and contributing by offering training and guidance to management on relevant laws and regulations. Jana’s multifaced position demands a strategic approach to HR, requiring a seamless blend of people skills and legal acumen.

      Additionally, Jana acts as one of the main points of contact for our Bristol office and organises the majority of the company's facilities and resources, ensuring the business runs smoothly.

      Beth NuttallCentral Support Administrator

      Beth is an accomplished and tenacious professional who has thrived in various roles throughout her career. With a strong work ethic and the ability to excel both independently and collaboratively, Beth possesses a versatile skill set that can be applied across diverse industries and scenarios.

      Currently, she is providing invaluable support to Energy & Technical Services' finance and administration teams, expertly managing paperwork and handling multiple responsibilities with ease, thanks to her extensive experience. Beth monitors multiple inboxes day to day, undertaking tasks from quality auditing reports, to booking travel and accommodation for colleagues. I also generate invoice proposals throughout the course of the month and process invoices from the accounts inbox. No two days are the same and there is always something to do and help out with.

      Beth was with extensive experience in the recruitment industry before. She was at Sanderson PLC as an Account Process Manager, demonstrating exceptional abilities in managing multiple accounts. Beth guarantees that client demands are met while strictly adhering to company protocols with precision. Her expertise also involves effectively managing day rate contractor processes, organizing candidate interviews, and delivering consistent account reports.

      Viktoria VrastiakovaCentral Support Administrator

      Viktoria joined ETS in 2020 as Finance and Administration assistant, reporting directly to the Management Accountant regarding financial data management, and providing project administration support to the wider company. Having previously worked in the Asbestos Surveying and Consultancy industry for over 9 years, Viktoria is skilled in financial data processing and management, reporting, and technical project administration.

      Danny CarrollEnergy & Carbon Saving Director

      Danny has spent the last 24 years operating in a variety of roles supporting the Food Retail, Commercial Buildings and Distribution sectors. As a former Servicemen his career has progressed from Account Management through to Main Board positions for each Company he has work for delivering Refrigeration, HVAC, M&E services.

      Having spent the last 3 years operating in the Building Management Systems (BMS) he has been responsible for identifying and deploying innovative, secure and connected solutions to support effective and compliant Energy Management Systema for all his customers.

      Qualifications include those in IOSH, CDM, ISO14001, ISO27001 and Financial Management.

      Phil BilyardTraining & Technical Director

      Phil has a Graduateship with the City &Guilds and a HND in Engineering. He is an Incorporated Engineer (IEng), Chartered Energy Manager, ESOS Lead Assessor and CIBSE Accredited Air Conditioning Inspector. Phil is also a Full Member of the Energy Institute (MEI), Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET) and an Associate Member of CIBSE (ACIBSE).

      Phil started his career providing specialist engineering support in the Army’s Corps of Royal Engineers before pursuing a career in facilities management. He has work across a range of sectors and undertaken a number of roles including Building Services Engineer, Electrical Specialist, Project Manager and Contract Manager. His expertise includes Air and Water Quality Management, Low Carbon Consulting and Project Management.

      After joining Energy & Technical Services in 2010 as a Senior Consulting Engineer, Phil quickly progressed into the role of Operations Director. His role at ETS includes managing our operational team in the delivery of technical consultancy and energy management for our Retail and FM & Property clients.

      Danny CarrollEnergy & Carbon Director

      Sanjana ShaleenEnergy Manager

      Sanjana joined ETS in 2021 as an Energy Manager and her role encompasses supporting ETS clients with identification and implementation of energy reduction targets, and providing practical solutions to their energy challenges.

      She attained her MSc in Sustainable Energy & Green Technologies from University College Dublin (UCD) in 2018 and subsequently worked In Ireland as an Energy Analyst and Project Coordinator.

      Sanjana is Registered EnCO (Energy Conscious Organisation) consultant – recognised by ESTA / Energy Institute and PMVA qualified. Sanjana is also currently working towards becoming an ISO 50001 Lead Auditor.

      Kevin WisemanProject Engineer Consultant

      Kevin has close to 40 years experience working in the building engineering services sector for number of national M&E installation firms including Mitie Engineering Maintenance and Interserve Defence Ltd. He has extensive experience working across a range of sectors and his expertise includes HVAC systems, BMS, Boilers and Pressure Systems.

      After starting his career as an installer and maintenance engineer, Kevin progressed into the role of Operations and Maintenance Manager project managing the operations and maintenance of M&E services for a number of multi-million pound schemes.

      Kevin joined ETS in 2008 as a Contracts / Project Manager for a number of our major retail clients and continues to work on secondment as part of the Engineering department at Sainsbury’s.

      Chris CouvarasEngineer Consultant

      Chris is the most recent addition to ETS, bringing a wealth of experience in technical management and project delivery within fast-paced environments. With a B. Eng in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and almost 20 years building services experience, Chris possesses the knowledge and expertise necessary to manage complex projects and drive technical solutions effectively. His areas of expertise include critical building services operations, technical solutions development, energy management, project management, building data interpretation, and client-centric solutions discovery.

      Chris's extensive professional background includes roles such as Senior Technical Manager at The All England Lawn Tennis Club, where he led a team to provide technical support, implemented a project transition function, and successfully delivered system and component upgrade projects. His leadership ensured the continued reliable operation of the critical and life safety systems across the estate.

      Chris has a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved in enhancing operational efficiency while minimizing capital expenditure. His exceptional skill set in managing critical systems and delivering client-centric solutions has led to his outstanding contributions to major programs. In previous roles, he identified and developed energy-saving initiatives, ensured compliance with statutory requirements, successfully managed shutdowns, and UPS life-cycle component replacements.

      Chris is passionate about innovation and sustainability in technical operations. His dedication to quality and operational excellence makes him a key player in driving forward the goals of ETS.

      Pragathan GnanarajGraduate Energy Manager

      Pragathan joined ETS in 2022 and is working as a Junior Energy Manager. His role comprises of delivering bespoke energy programmes such as BMS strategy improvements, energy investigations and corrections, energy data analysis and reporting to ETS clients.

      He holds an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Surrey. During studies, he focused on the significance of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Action in Sri Lanka's agricultural sector through the lens of Nationally Determined Contributions. His research and coursework covered a range of relevant topics, including corporate social and environmental responsibility, ecological economics, environmental auditing and management, environmental law, and life cycle assessment.

      While studying his master’s degree, he worked as a Net-Zero Carbon intern at a reputable insurance management company in London, contributing significantly to a project aimed at reducing carbon emissions and achieving the company's net-zero carbon goal. Pragathan demonstrated their ability to interpret data and identified reduction initiatives that aligned with the company's Science-Based Target. Their efforts resulted in comprehensive reports and a presentation for the board of directors.

      Annie WestawayConsulting Engineer

      After achieving a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Nottingham University, Annie continued her studies achieving an MSc in Environmental Sustainability from Edinburgh University. She is a qualified CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant, ESOS Lead Assessor as well as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Full Member of CIBSE (MCIBSE)

      Annie has over 20 years of experience in consultancy working across a range of sectors including infrastructure, retail, public sector, healthcare, leisure, residential and commercial. She has worked in Australia and the UK for a number of world renowned engineering firms including Cundall and CH2M Hill.

      As a leading team member of our Technical Energy Centre (TEC), Annie quality controls the service provided by the TEC team as well as continually developing our services.

      Adeayo BulusEnergy & Carbon Saving Team | Team Leader

      Adeayo joined ETS in 2019 as an Energy Specialist within our Technical Energy Centre (TEC). Drawing on her experience and knowledge of engineering and energy management, Adeayo supports our Controls Bureau. Her role encompasses remote assistance to a number of blue-chip clients requiring BMS strategy improvements, energy performance reviews and reporting.

      She is a Mechanical Engineer with a background in Building Services and Renewable Energy; and has a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship. Adeayo is also an Associate member of CIBSE and currently working towards her Chartership with the Energy Institute as well as becoming a CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant.

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